How To Change Lifestyle To Reverse Prediabetes

Change Lifestyle To Reverse Prediabetes

Prediabetes is a medical condition in which your blood sugar levels are elevated but not to the point of being diagnosed with diabetes. An individual is diagnosed as diabetes when their blood sugar level exceeds the 8 A1C standard, .

according to specialists. Prediabetes is diagnosed when :

  • the Hemoglobin A1C level is between 5.7 and 6.4 percent, according to the American Diabetes Association.
  • Blood glucose levels should be between 100 and 125 mg/dl when fasting.
  • An oral glucose tolerance test yields a blood glucose value of 140 mg/dl to 199 mg/dl after 2 hours.

Insulin resistance, which implies your body doesn’t utilise insulin properly, is generally associated with prediabetes. Insulin controls how sugar and fat are used and stored in your body.


How Should Insulin Be Used By Your Body?

It operates like this when your body uses insulin correctly:

After you eat, your glucose (blood sugar) level rises.
Insulin is released by your pancreas, which allows your cells to function.
The glucose can then be used for energy by your liberated cells.

What Happens If You’re Insulin-Resistant?

Here’s what occurs if your body is insulin resistant:

  • After you eat, your glucose (blood sugar) level rises.
  • Your pancreas produces insulin, but your cells resist it, preventing glucose from reaching the cells efficiently.
  • Because your cells aren’t burning the glucose for energy, it lingers in your blood, keeping your blood sugar levels high.
  • High blood sugar levels harm your cells over time, resulting in nerve damage, blood vessel and organ damage, cardiovascular disease, and other complications.

“”Diabetes may be a frightening diagnosis,” says one expert. “However, being diagnosed with prediabetes is not a death sentence. It might serve as a reminder to pay closer attention to your body and make adjustments that will help you live a longer, healthier life.””

With these eating habits, you can reverse your prediabetes:

Following dietary and lifestyle modifications can help you regain normal blood sugar levels.

Prediabetes is a medical condition in which your blood sugar levels are elevated but not to the point of being diagnosed with diabetes. An individual is diagnosed as diabetes when their blood sugar level exceeds the 8 A1C standard, according to specialists.

Though prediabetes is concerning, the good news is that it is easily reversible. Following dietary and lifestyle modifications can help you regain normal blood sugar levels.

The following are some examples of lifestyle changes:

When to eat and when not to eat:

According to Ayurveda, eating the correct food in the right way at the appropriate time is extremely important for one’s health. Eating an early breakfast and a timely dinner has been associated to a lower incidence of insulin resistance in numerous studies. It is critical to eat healthily and leave a sufficient amount of time between meals.


“Prediabetes does not always need medical treatment — it’s a warning sign to improve on your lifestyle,”- Deena Adimoolam

Make room for the rainbow:

Colorful fruits and vegetables are not only appealing to the eye, but they are also good for your health. They are high in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and phytochemicals, all of which work together to reduce blood sugar levels and help people overcome pre-diabetes symptoms. Experts suggest mixing a variety of fruits into your yoghurt or curd, as well as a platter of green sauteed veggies before a meal.

Choose carbs that are high in fibre:

Fiber-rich carbohydrates are recommended by health professionals for maintaining blood sugar levels since they supply more energy to the body while breaking down slowly in the bloodstream. For a fiber-rich carbohydrates diet, use seeds, fruits, and veggies.

Make vegetables your best friend:

To reverse prediabetes, several doctors advocate starting the day with a fresh bowl of green vegetables. Vegetables with a high fibre content and a low glycemic index should be used. In the morning, vegetables might help you feel full and prevent carbohydrate cravings.


Before beginning any personal diet plan, one should speak with a doctor or a dietician.

After a Prediabetes Diagnosis, Make Small Changes:

Don’t know where to begin? With the aid of five minor lifestyle modifications, you can control and maybe reverse prediabetes:

1. Become aware of what’s in your food

According to the American Diabetes Association, the optimal diet for those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes contains plenty of non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower), fruits, protein, and healthy fats (ADA).

However, changing your entire diet all of a sudden isn’t usually a good idea. Instead, start small: learn to recognize the nutrients in the foods you already eat.

“The most important [thing] to me is learning about the nutrition in all the foods you consume by reading nutrition labels — especially how to identify carbs, sugars
and hidden sugars,” – Dr. Adimoolam

Getting to know the contents in your meals will help you figure out which foods will best support your prediabetes management (the shorter the ingredient list, the better) and which ones to replace with more nutritious alternatives (such as those with a lot of added sugar).

2. Make Dietary Goals That Are Small and Realistic

Similarly, rather than overhauling your entire diet at once, Dr. Adimoolam recommends creating incremental goals that you believe you can attain. Consider the following scenario: “Reduce your soda consumption from three to one per day, and then to even less over time.

Another example: “Cutting rice altogether will be difficult for you if rice is a basic meal in your diet and culture. Instead, consuming less of it, in general, will be beneficial.

3. Make a joyful movement choice.

Physical activity, in addition to a healthy diet, is a typical therapeutic advice for prediabetes management.

“Several diabetes prevention studies have shown that adopting a healthy lifestyle incorporating weight loss and physical activity can reduce the risk of progressing to diabetes,” “Most adults with prediabetes are overweight or obese,” “Several diabetes prevention studies have shown that adopting a healthy lifestyle incorporating weight loss and physical activity can reduce the risk of progressing to diabetes.”

However, similar to food changes, starting a whole exercise routine all of a sudden can feel overwhelming. Instead, include activities you enjoy in your weekly calendar, whether or whether you believe them to be “exercise.” This is known as happy movement, and it allows you to move your body in the ways that you like the most.



Rather than making drastic changes to your diet, exercise regimen, and lifestyle all at once, make incremental, long-term changes such as eating fewer servings of particular foods, moving your body in the ways you enjoy, and learning to ask for help.

Here are some examples of joyful movement:

  • Dancing
  • Taking your dog for a walk
  • Playing games with your children
  • Evening or early morning strolls
  • Skating on roller skates
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Cleaning
  • Stretching

Not only can joyful movement be enjoyable, but it may also be more sustainable than forcing yourself to do activities you don’t enjoy.

Other Exercise Advantages

Exercise is beneficial for more than only weight loss and controlling prediabetes; it also has the following advantages:

  • More restful sleep
  • Mood improvement
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved mobility
  • It enhances bone health and aids heart health.

4. Begin to meditate

Controlling stress is another important aspect of prediabetes management. Because there’s a correlation between stress and blood sugar levels, this is the case.

“Stress hormones can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate wildly.”

Meditation may be a wonderful place to start if you’re not sure where to start with stress management. A meditation practise can not only help you reduce stress, but it can also help you develop your coping abilities, assist emotional regulation, and enhance overall wellbeing.

There are many different meditation techniques to choose from, so try a few out to discover which one suits you best. Among the possibilities are:

  • Meditation for mindfulness
  • Scans of the body
  • Walking or yoga are examples of moving meditations.

Tip for guided meditation:

To gain the benefits of meditation, you don’t need to spend a lot of time doing it; even a few minutes a day can assist.

5. Keep in mind that it’s quite OK to seek assistance.

People with prediabetes plus depression symptoms were more likely to acquire type 2 diabetes than those with fewer depressed symptoms.

To put it another way, putting your emotional and mental health first is also a form of diabetes prevention. Remember that it’s OK to seek help from your doctor, a mental health professional, or your support system if you’re worried, unhappy, or anxious after receiving a prediabetes diagnosis.

6. Consult your doctor about prediabetes management.

This may sound self-evident, but make sure you collaborate with your primary care physician in order to treat your symptoms. “In some cases, prediabetes can be managed by making dietary and physical activity changes. Other people may benefit from a blood sugar-controlling medication. Your doctor can also teach you how to test your blood sugar at home so you can keep track of it between sessions.”


Join a lifestyle program or a peer support group where you can work with coaches or peers to help you manage stress, improve physical activity, and make small dietary modifications.

In conclusion:

Don’t ignore prediabetes no matter what you do. Take control of your health by being proactive. To help control your blood sugar, make lifestyle modifications and cooperate with your doctor. You’ll feel better, and you’ll be assisting in the prevention of diabetes.